WebCam Fun

My mom asked for me to come install a web cam on their home computer. Now nothing disturbs me more in this world than the thought of my mother with a web cam. Not sure why this is but web cams make me think of porn and thinking of my mother involved in porn is enough to make me poke both my eyes out with a cheese knife. (why a cheese knife? because I like to type the word "cheese" not even sure if there is such a thing as a cheese knife but I have now successfully typed "cheese" five times in a row. Mission accomplished.)

But the darn web cam would not install on my parents 1984 Tandy computer (ha just kidding ... it is really an '85). So I took the web cam home to "test" and see if it worked on my lap top. Of course it did so now I have a web cam. Which makes me think of porn ... which makes me wonder how much money I could make ... which then makes me want to vomit.

So here are some web cam pics for view pleasure/displeasure. (it beats thinking about Kris which I am trying to avoid like the plague!!)

see how you should always look BEHIND you when playing with a web cam. Otherwise complete and utter nerds somehow make it into your sexy pose.

Also scaring your dog with the web cam is a good way to bond with your pet. Look how totally impressed my little Pip looks with technology. (really she is contemplating how to get out of my death grip and bite my nose off)

Last but not least the web cam head shot. Look at the artful posing of the hand. Annie Lebowitz (sp?) eat your heart out. Cheese anyone? (yes 6!!!)


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