And So it Begins ....

Which sounds like the beginning of a truly epic story. Unfortunately, unless epic really means super lame and boring, I will probably not reach epic proportions with my random musings.

But it has been suggested to me that journaling is a good way to exercise demons. And I am all for exercising especially when it does not involve actual work or sweat.

So first things first. Dig your Chili. What in the hell is chili digging you may be asking? Dig your chili was a phrase that I started using a few years ago (which honestly I always claimed invention rights to ... but Urban Dictionary puts me to shame there) that means that "you like someone". And when you really stop to think about it Chili is actually quite a good metaphor for love.

a). Chili can be hot
b.) Chili can also give you severe diarrhea
c.) Chili is good with cheese on top

See where I am going with that (ok minus the cheese thing but who can argue with cheese!)? Chili is a lot like love, in that it makes you warm and tingly and want to crap your pants all at the same time.

Apparently my sister, who I'll call Jan (pretty much because her name is Jan and that is what I call her) and I speak in our own language that our friends sometimes have problems deciphering. I like to think it is a sign of a highly evolved intellect but it probably really means that Jan and I suck ass at the English language and have to resort to making up our own words. Whatever the reason Jan and I make one MEAN bad ass Taboo team.


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