Almost Ten Years ....

Almost ten years have passed since I last sat at a keyboard (probably in nothing but my underwear and a stained wife beater with some sort of unidentified crumbs....) and guess what??? NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I am probably still wearing the same nasty wife beater. Are you fuc%$ing kidding me?  I am nothing if not predictable. Score one for me.

I might actually be living a real life ground hog day movie plot. Wake up. Same Shit. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.  But thankfully I don't yet look like Bill Murray. Although, the amount of mysterious mustache hairs and wrinkles that are appearing my Bill Murray days are rapidly approaching.

It was suggested to me that journaling (I am getting some major deja vu … since this has happened before) is therapeutic. I am still not convinced, but if sharing my nutbagness (yes that is a word) with the world of one accidental reader can help someone feel better about themselves because they are not me - then I'll do my part to better this world.

So to quote Samuel L Jackson from Jurassic Park "Hang onto your butts" - I am once again armed and dangerous with stained clothing and a keyboard. And by dangerous I mean self deprecating and whiny. We all have our talents.


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